
Steven Allen

Senior Leader (Secondary)

I am delighted to join GEMS Cambridge International School Sharjah as a Senior Leader and Head of Mathematics department. I have many years’ experience both in the classroom and leadership positions in the United Kingdom and the UAE.

I am always looking for the best pedagogical practices from around the world so that the students in the school I work have the best possible education experience. I believe passionately in a wholistic approach to a student’s education, where not only do the exceed their potentially academically but they grow as a person and develop all the skills and values they require to be successful in their lives as part of the global community in which we all live. I encourage students to dream big and aim high, working together to identify and overcome any potential barriers and to support each student to stay resilient in the face of adversity. There is a genius inside every student and it is our job as educators working in collaboration with parents to guide, encourage and support them to find the keys for them to unlock their true potential so that their genius ability, amazing talents and world leading values shine throughout their futures.

I am excited to meet all the students and discover their talents, passions and ambitions. I am looking forward to building positive working relationships with their parents as we work in partnership to unleash their child’s fullest potential and encourage values of respect, kindness, integrity and honesty. I want each student to have a happy and successful time at GCS and I will work tirelessly for this to happen.