Bus Transport
BBT Transport Service 2024-2025
Fees Structure 2024-25
Area |
Full Year |
Term 1 (Sep to Dec) |
Term 2 (Jan to Mar) |
Term 3 (Apr to Jun) |
Muwailah |
4680 |
1872 |
1404 | 1404 |
Sharjah |
5200 |
2080 | 1560 | 1560 |
Dubai - Al Nahda Qusais, Muhaisnah Oud Al Muteena |
5720 |
2288 | 1716 | 1716 |
Ajman | 5720 | 2288 | 1716 | 1716 |
Mirdif, Al Warqa, International City, Dubai Silicon Oasis |
6240 |
2496 | 1872 | 1872 |